Friday, July 01, 2005

It's the PHriday PHive, bebe!

This one is pretty intense folks...hold on to your pants.

1. Photo albums or picture frames?
Hmmmm...let's see. I have frames on the wall at home and a couple of albums gathering dust somewhere.

2. Digital camera, disposable, or point-and-click?
Depends on the situation, I guess:

Say you're in Havasu, you've been drinking all day, frolicking in the water and you've been handing beads out (because you're so generous). This situation calls for a disposable camera, without question. I've seen no less than three digital cameras at the bottom of the lake.

Now, say you're at a house long as you stay away from bodies of water (pools, sinks, etc.), you're safe with either a point-and-click-a or a digital.

3. What facial expression (of yours) is usually captured in pictures?

4. What's your favorite picture and why?
uno - My Mom and Dad and me at the lake a few years back. dos - My last FRx Christmas party: Jason, Mike and our tuxes. tres - Brian\Stacie and Dan\Gina's wedding party pictures with all of us our tuxes. quatro - Evan, Brian and me before we went clubbin' many moons ago.

5. Do you take the picture after you say "1, 2, 3", or after you say "2" and right when you say "3", or do you use another method or not count?
The best pictures aren't staged. I love action when someone is laughing, talking or pondering something and they have no idea that their picture is about to be taken.

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