Friday, June 16, 2006

Phat Phriday Phiver

The Friday Five
Name your favorite...
1. Candy:
I don't have one. I was born sweet enough. ;o)
2. Cookie:
Chips and salsa
3. Donut:
Chips and salsa
4. Cold drink:
Water, Jack and Coke or Fanta (and vodka)
5. Hot beverage:
Coffee sometimes...I just don't consume hot liquids all that often.


mcBlogger said...

You don't have a favourite Candy? OMG, I'd live off candy if I could do it without dying of scurvy from lack of vedgies.

Jimmy said...

mcblogger: haha! :o) I really don't care for sweet stuff all that much. Every so often I'll get a sweet-tooth but I'm waaaay on the other end of that spectrum. I looooooove spicy food...the hotter, the better.