Friday, July 14, 2006

My Very Own Friday Fiver

Name the last person you...
1. Hugged:
Larah...the night before last.

2. Smiled at:
Our IT guy like 2 minutes ago.

3. Deceived:
Same IT guy when I promptly pressed ALT+Tab from this blog post to something a little related.

4. Glared at:
I don't glare. I'm a guy.

5. Lusted after:
A brand spankin' new Malibu LSI with all the fixin's.


David Tellez said...

You dont glare? Then what do you do? Stare?

Jimmy said...

I don't let small stuff rent space in my head. The closest thing I get to a "glare" is a 1/2 a second "WTF-type smirk".

Anonymous said...

I reckon you glared when that one bartender licked your head at the gay bar.....


Jimmy said...

haha! I still didn't glare...I was laughing too hard! Seriously, my abs hurt the next day from laughing so much that night.

The shit I'll do to a) make a cute girl laugh and b) get us a free shot. I hit my limit that night' sho'.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Alt+tab! Oh god! That's HILARIOUS! YOU are like the male me!

But deceived? Oh contrare! That IT Likely has a proxy that tracks all your lil moves. sneaky bastard. I know because I am that IT guy, but much more attractive, and feminine. LOL.

Jimmy said...

haha! ;o)
Wild! I didn't know you were in IT. Oh, I'm sure of it. Being the nerd that I am, there are tricky ways of dealing with things like that. Let's just say we keep each other in check [sniff...sniff]. ;o)