Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Well, it seems that I finally gave in and created my own little blog. I've had reservations about doing this but I've heard it's therapeutic. We shall see.

I finally picked up a new phone thank God! I made the decision after about the hundredth time I had to tape my Samsung *POS* back together. Can I just say that the Motorola V300 ROCKS?!?! The camera feature is by far the coolest thing since sliced bread. We (my girlfriend, her friends and me) went to a club in lodo this weekend and I had a blast taking pictures with it. I'm so glad I opted for a phone with a camera now.

My 2 pups are doing well. Bo and Arrow are two peas in a pod. I know it sound weird but I totally miss them today. I think I'm going to take them for a walk tonight when I get home from work.

Random thought: Kill Bill wasn't as cool as I thought it would be. QT is a freak. Don't believe the hype.

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