Friday, June 24, 2005's the Friday Five!

1. Can you share a tale of a favorite summer cookout/get together?
There are so many but some of my best memories of cookouts/get togethers are at the lake. Back in the day, we used to get a whole pig and cook it Hawaiian-style, underground with hot coals. We'd stay up all night and drink cheap wine next to the campfire and play a card game called "Killer".

Basically, everyone gets one card. The ace of spades is the "killer" card. As soon as the cards are handed out, play begins. When the killer winks at someone at the campfire, they have to silently count to five and say "I'm dead.". However, if someone sees the killer wink at another person they can claim that they know who the killer is. If they guess wrong, then the guesser is "dead" by default. If the guesser guesses correctly, the cards are picked up by the guesser, shuffled and dished out once again.

A wise killer will not wink at anyone until normal conversation resumes and the campfire is juuuuuuuust right. Of course this can be played as a drinking game (eg. "I'm dead...and now I have to finish my beer.") but if you're like us and you put them back like we do, you don't need a game to help you get looooooooaded.

2. What is a favorite summer ritual of yours?
Wakeboarding\barefooting\skiing. If that's not a ritual, then I don't know what is. I'm lake-trash and I'm proud.

3. After a long hot summer day, what is your favorite way to quench your thirst?
HAHA! Seriously? Refer to question number one. I also like to slam half of a icy-cold orange gatoraid and pour vodka and ice in the other half.

4. The 4th of July is coming up, what plans, if any, do you have?
I'm heading up to Jackson Lake. I have to remember to pick up a water pump for the boat though. My friends are being lame. I mean, seriously...who stays in town over the 4th of July???

5. What are you looking forward to doing most before the summer ends?
Finally landing a "tantrum" and riding it out. I can do the same damn flip toe-side but I can't seem to do it heel-side. I'm also going to start running every night. My ankle seems to be heeling and it's time to start shedding some of this extra winter weight.

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