Friday, February 10, 2006

Gridlock the only word that comes to mind when I think of the drive into work this morning. Wall-to-wall traffic...yes, six whole lanes of Hwy 36 traffic that did not move for over an hour. People were actually stopping and getting out of their vehicles to view the cause of the mayhem.

In all my years of driving in this great state, I have never been stuck in traffic for more than 3 hours (not to mention the wasted quarter of a tank of gas). Today was my day, I guess. Luckily, I was a good boy-scout...I was prepared. Four cups of coffee, a Pepsi and both Jimmy(s): a Jimmy Dean sausage biscuit and Jimmy Buffett were along for the ride.

Working from home should be mandatory on days like today.

Oh...and to that som-n-a-bad-word in that Lincoln who cut me off and caused a wreck on 72nd: in case you didn't see me the first few times...


AM said...

3 hours and only 1 finger? dude, i am disappointed tsk tsk.

Jimmy said...

It's p00p but the weekend was just what the dr. ordered.

haha! One finger multiple times. Actually, I think I switched fingers a few times. They kept getting tired.

*** said...

Yeah, I was there too. Thank goodness for my iPod and singing along to my favorite tunes!

Jimmy said...

You don't drive a black Lincoln with tinted windows do you??? te-hee! Horrible, wasn't it? Were you heading West or East?

Bring on the warm weather, less clothes and wakeboarding! Oh, how I've missed being on my board.