Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Long time no post...

Yeah, things have been hectic lately here in cubeville so I have not had a chance to post. Let us recap, shall we?

I took Larah to the Cherry Creek trap range a couple of weeks ago and taught her how to shoot a shotgun. Only time will tell if teaching her how to shoot was a good decision...needless to say, I've been very sweet lately...just in case.

We started at the spring loaded hand-throwing machines. To her credit, she stood in there like a champ despite the fact that I did not bring a 20ga. for her. She was forced to shoot my 12ga. land cannons which were not only too heavy and too long for her but also tend to bruise the shoulder after a few shots. She quickly got the hang of though and was able to shoot down six clay birds. We both had a blast and can't wait to go back.

We headed to the Lee's new house for a house-warming party in Ft. Collins last weekend. What started as a quaint little house warming, quickly developed into a drink-fest complete with drinking games such as "beer-pong", "asshole", and "mexicali" followed by a few no-stakes games of Texas-hold 'em. Too old for drinking games? I think not! Was like riding a bike.

Here's a sign you'll probably never see in Denver or the Tech Center. It's posted on the front doors of the building in which I work. Don't be a hater...I know you want a sign like this where you work...


mcBlogger said...

Hey, great to have you back! Kept checking your blog, only to see that Mike Wazowski...hehe

Jimmy said...

d: Thursday @ 7 - Cuba Cuba

mcblogger: Thank you! haha! :o) Mike Wazowski!!! I *STILL* do that. It's seriously gonna come out one of these days.

M said...

new girlfriend? where have i been? :-)

thanks for the kind words. you rock Jimmy.

Jess said...

Long time is right...and you gave me a hard time. :) and you're right, no snakes by my work.

David Tellez said...

LOL...thank God you said, you can never be too old for drinking games! Cuz really, what would I do then?!