Sunday, March 13, 2005

This weekend has been waaaaaaay too short. Jennifer and I went out for our anniversary last night and I surprised her with a really pretty necklace that I found while we were shopping yesterday. I went on a RECON mission and bought it while she was trying on clothes. She deserves it because she has been really cool about me having to travel for work.

I spent the past week in Sacramento on a project that will (in my opinion) fail. It'll fail for more than one reason but the main reason I think it won't succeed is that management would rather sit around and compare dicks than get the job done. It's almost like the COO\CFO wants us to fail. I don't understand it. This project can be a really cool project. It could launch this company to the next level. And, the Sacramento County team is really trying to be patient and helpful. Unfortunately, I really don't think this guy has what it takes to lead a company like this. I mean, we're sitting in a meeting a few weeks ago and he tells the project manager to tell us that there will be lay-offs if this project fails. Dude didn't even have the balls to tell us himself. The end result...two developers up and quit on us at the most crucial time. So now we have this .NET contractor who is doing what he can but it's at a point where now it's almost too late. Well, I guess I can say that I gave it my all. I have a few more things lined up if it doesn't work out and I know that everything happens for a reason. ;o)

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