Monday, April 18, 2005

Well, I have all the wood for my landscaping project but I need to get landscaping fabric before I go any further. Man, that stuff isn't cheap. I need at least 300 feet of it and the area I am going to be working on is 9 feet wide. That equates to like 140 bucks of fabric. That's alright though. Once I get it done, I don't have to mess with it again and I don't have to deal with watering or pulling weeds from that area again.

The tree removal people are supposed to be coming out next weekend to give me an estimate. Have I mentioned that I can't stand lilac bushes? They produce really pretty flowers that smell really good for like 3 weeks a year. Plus, these things grow like weeds and you can only cut them in the Winter or said flowers won't grow for 7 years. There's not enough bang for my buck. I want them all gone. I know it's going to cost me. I'd do it myself but I've already gone through 3 chainsaw blades and I'm not even close to being done.

I had to take my truck into the shop today. I hit a storm drain pretty hard with the rear passenger wheel during that snow we had the weekend before last. This is the first time my Dodge Dakota has been in the shop since I got it at the end of 2001. #1. I hope they can get it done today and #2. I really hope the axle isn't too messed up.

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