Friday, June 02, 2006

Friday Five -- Curses!

Friday Five -- Curses!

Favorite phrase when you have:
1. Ate food that tastes bad
"NASTY! Someone already ate this once." hehe! ;o)
2. Stubbed your toe
I get mad and incoherent when stuff like that happens and I'll put words together that don't necessarily match like, "fucker-ass", "damn-dick" or "sonofa-puke-fucker"
3. Become frustrated
"For the looooove!"
4. Broken something
Pretty standard here - "shiiiiiiiiiiiit!"
5. Been cut off by another driver.
See number 2 followed by hand gestures.

Geeeeeeez, is it Friday already??? I'm thinking I could get used to these short weeks. Plan for tonight is just about the same as it was the last few weekends: strap the girlfriend in the truck (notice I didn't say "on the truck" or "to the truck"), load up the pups and head to the lake.

Gonna have to watch the speedo this go-round. One of CHP's finest tagged me last weekend going 86 in a 75. That's two tickets in a span of 8 months. You can bet I brushed my teeth before I kissed my Mom after that horseshit.



Anonymous said...
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Jimmy said...

lbpuke: I'd say I was sorry to disappoint you but alas I have to consider the source of the comment that I just had to delete. What is your deal with AM_PM anyway? I’m loosely assuming you're straight here but…you can't get a girl like her so you have to bash her? And, why bash her on my site? Given
the state of your blog), it would seem to me that you have no room to bash anyone.

What a lonely and boring life you must lead that you have to actually stalk me via my blog. If I wasn't laughing at you so hard right now I would almost feel sorry for you.

David Tellez said...

I like the number 2 curses, you spew out! Too funny! It reminds me of when Christians curse and they use colorful phrases such as, "Cheese and rice," or "Son of a biscuit!" A play on words is always funny!

David Tellez said...

I like the number 2 curses, you spew out! Too funny! It reminds me of when Christians curse and they use colorful phrases such as, "Cheese and rice," or "Son of a biscuit!" A play on words is always funny!

Jimmy said...

dt: haha! Speaking of I clean it up when kids are around...or at least I try anyway. That's when I sound like a holy-roller..."som-n-a-birch" or "fuuuuge".

dazed: haha!!! My Dad was the same way. Helping him work on cars back in the day was my "education" but there wasn't anywhere to run. ;o)

Commenter #1 is LBP. He/She is my own little "charity case" (read: stalker).

Unknown said...

Oh. My. God. At first I thought "Jimmy has a stalker, he's so cool!" and now I see, and I think Omigod poor Jimmy... How do we get him into a Relocation Program?

I don't EVER EVER want a stalker!

Jimmy said...

haha! ;o) It's all good. He/She is harmless. LBP comments just to stir things up. And his/her command of the English language is so horrible that it's barely worth reading anyway. It almost makes you feel sorry for him/her. ;o)