Friday, June 23, 2006's friday!

Friday Five
1. What was the last new song you discovered?
Kenny Chesney, Summertime
2. What was the last new dish you tasted?
Marinated chicken breast and some shrimp dish at Tami's house on Monday. That girl can cook it up.
3. Where was the last place you visited for the first time?
I had to help move a piano last night for a guy who works here at the office.
4. Who was the last new person you met?
His wife...albeit briefly.
5. What was the last new toy you played with?
Oh, this is so loaded. I'll take the high road and plead the 5th. ;o)

Is it really Friday? Man, this week seemed to fly.

We're actually not going to the lake this weekend if you can believe that. The weekend lineup:
Tonight - We'll probably be draankin' and swimmin' in the Franklin's new pool (props to HK for the link). So pimp...I'll get to see my God-daughter! She's getting so big!
Tomorrow - I'll probably be working on the house...I've slacked so much this summer.
Tomorrow night - My buddy Dan's 30th birthday get-together.
Sunday - I'm assuming I'll be hung-over so the day will probably start a little later. I'm going to makes some calls to see if anyone is going to any of the local lakes. I also really wanna see a movie. I haven't been to a movie theatre in ages. I'm thinking "The Lake House"...but who knows. Looks interesting anyway.


M said...

have a good weekend Jimmy!

David Tellez said...

God I'm so wondering what you're pleading the 5th to...

mcBlogger said...

Did you end up seeing the Lake House? and was it good?

Jimmy said...

Thanks Manda! Hope you had a good one as well!

dt, #5, of course. ;o)

mcblogger: I did see it! Even though I was accused of bawling -not a chance- and then hit for saying that I would have had her send me the sports scores and lotto numbers, I really liked it! :o)