Monday, June 12, 2006

It's Been Awhile...

...since my last post. It happens when everything comes at me all at once. I suppose even I have my limitations. It's been one thing after another.

Things have been hectic here at work fo' sho' but that's pretty standard operating procedure. The pups are both doing better so that's finally a load off my mind. Then I get an email out of the blue asking me why my best friend E was in the ICU. I swear...when it rains, it pours for that cat. He's dealt with a lot in the past few years and I have no idea why. The latest? He fell down a flight of stairs and hit his head on a tile floor.

Allow me to give you a little background on my buddy. Let's see...E is about 6'5" and probably tips the scales at around 320...yeah, he's a big boy...a soldier. He's also probably one of the toughest individuals I've ever met. I've seen him lift things that shouldn't be lifted and take a punch that would have knocked pretty much anyone I know out cold. He's had two fingers ripped off loading horses and countless other construction related injuries including nail impalements -yes, more than a few- which he pulls out with a pair of pliers in his tool-belt, wipes off the blood on his pants and continues to work. The kid (I say "kid" but he's older than me) is tough.

I guess that's why it was so hard for me to go see him in the hospital. I had the opportunity on Friday. I made the plans and I was going to do it. I balked. It scared me to think he could be seriously injured. I didn't want to see tubes coming out of him. I didn't want to see the machines and I damn sure didn't want to see him helplessly laying in that hospital bed with his arms shackled down because he kept trying to rip the tubes from his throat. I think it's safe to say that it shook my world.

I don't do that often...normally the things people do rarely surprise me anymore. I can normally gauge the outcome and get prepared for whatever the future holds. My own little way of dealing with things that come along, I reckon. When it comes to E, I just never know anymore. We're getting older and we're just not able to shake things off the way we used to.

Slow down a little bit brother. Not much...just a little. I'll see you tonight...when it's safe -for me- and you're well I can call you a pussy for having to go to the doctor. ;o)



David Tellez said...

Ouch! Just hearing about that whole nail in the leg ordeal just totally gave me goose flesh! WOW...I hope your friend's ok, and if you do go see him, tell him to take it easy. I got a feeling you want to keep him around...

Jimmy said...

Thanks...yeah, he's doing a lot better by the day. He's home now but he's not even close to tip-top. The real challenge now will be to keep him down for awhile. He has several jobs going right now and he wants to get back to work so bad he can taste it. His wife has her work cut out for her.