Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I'm it!

I've been tagged by Dweleg. I guess that means "I'm it!".

Here are the rules:

The first player of this game starts with the topic. “five weird habits about yourself", and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don’t forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says “You are tagged” (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.

1. My parents used to have a white and black tile checkered floor in their hallway. Ever since I was a little kid, when going North, I always stepped on the white tiles. When going South, I always stepped on the black tiles. They just ripped the tile out a few years ago...thank God. I can't tell you how many girls I've had over to that place. It was getting a little embarrassing. :o)
2. My Mom and Dad were old school - rancher and farmers. Food was fuel to them. When you took a plate of food, you were expected to eat it. To this day, I have to force myself to stop eating if there is food on my plate and I'm full.
3. When I'm walking with someone, I almost never split an obstruction...pole, mailbox, etc.
4. I ALWAYS lift my legs over railroad tracks. My Grandpa told me it was for good luck.
5. I hold my breath when passing cemeteries. Yet another Grandpa superstition.

Bloggers I tagged:


Jimmy said...

The pleasure is mine! ;o)

Jimmy said...

blondie: C'mon now. It's not coo unless everyone plays my lil' reindeer-game.

Jimmy said...

aila: Aaaawe, see, you shouldn't have told me 'cause now...TAG! You're also it! Wild though. Of the 5 I didn't think anyone else in the world did #3 and #5!

Jimmy said...

little dick: Is that what this is about? You were molested? Is this a cry for help?

Jimmy said...

little dick: The top 4 reasons why you comment on my blog must be...

a) I already kicked your ass
b) I took your girlfriend (assuming you don't like guys...I haven't figured that out yet) - hey, it happens, get over it.
c) a combination of a) and b)
d) you just really want to be like me.