Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Snow, snow and more snow

It's snowing here today...big, phat, wet flakes. It's the kind of snow that makes you want to cuddle up in a blanket - hot chocolate in-tow - and sit next to a fire while watching a really long movie. Yes, March in Colorado is finally here. March and (early to mid) April seem to be the most volatile months as it relates to weather at least in CO. Interestingly enough, it was like 65 degrees yesterday.

This snow really doesn't hurt my feelings...quite the contrary actually. We desperately need the moisture... so I can board as much as possible this year.

Speaking of...I heard that Jackson Lake just opened the boat launches. While still a bit too cold (can you imagine the shrinkage factor right now), hearing about it actually made Spring-fever set in. Time to dust off the Jimmy Buffett CDs and get my liver...I mean, my body...back into "boarding shape".

1 comment:

Jimmy said...

haha!!! I think we're meant to get snow tonight too so you may be flying into it! :o) ...and Sunday. I think it's going to snow on Sunday too.