Tuesday, December 20, 2005

What I want for Christmas...


Jimmy said...

angel: hahaha! Agreed! You get one for me and I'll get one for you. ;o)

blondie: HA! I didn't catch that. Good eyes! I was concentrating on the lower +/- buttons. ;o)

AM said...

lol how much of a good boy were you this year so that you deserve ALL of this?! ;)

Jimmy said...

am_pm: They don't call me "the good Catholic boy" for nuttin'! I *totally* deserve it!

dweleg: haha!!! Chuuuuuu! Chuuuuu! Three way gift exchange train is comin' through!

flea said...

thanks for the good laugh this afternoon i totally needed it! now if we only us women had one of these.......

oh the things we could do!!

Jimmy said...

flea: Oh yeah! Then we wouldn't even need a control. There would be no need to even exert the energy of pushing a button. We could just tell you what button to press! I like the way you think flea! ;o) hehe! ;o)

Jimmy said...

little dick: Here we go again with the sexual orientation. It's floors me that you can even throw that around when you can't even spell the word "Faggot". You must really want me. I've told you, I don't go that way. It is disturbing to me that you know how "gays" (as you put it), "like it in there".