Monday, March 06, 2006

Snowboarding vs. Working

Yes, it's official...I prefer snowboarding over working (especially on a Friday).

I could get used to weeks like last week...
  • Took Monday off and extended my stay at the lake.
  • Worked on Tuesday.
  • Was off sick on Wednesday.
  • Worked on Thursday.
  • Boarded all day Friday.


Jimmy said...

This coming from the guy who spent all last week in Palm Springs! ;o) Hope you had a blast out there. I can't wait to check out your pics.

David Tellez said...

Dang...they must like you a lot...

Jimmy said...

"They tolerate me! They really tolerate me!" ;o)

AM said...

lol who did you sleep with?

Jimmy said...

haha!!! :o) I never kiss and tell. ;o)