Friday, May 27, 2005

Friday Five
1. Describe your education: I went to Notre Dame 1-6th grade. Got kicked out for fighting (wasn't my fault, I swear). Went to O'connell for 7th. Then I went to St. Bernadette in 8th grade. I attended Mullen for high school. I bounced around a little after that. I went to ACC for a couple of years, then went to Christian Brothers University in Memphis. I finally landed at Metro State.
2. What's the last class you attended? I went to a .NET class when I worked for Microsoft so it's been about 8 months.
3. Which do you think is more critical: classroom learning or real life experience?Real Life Experience without question. Classroom learning gets you in the door. Life experience keeps you there.
4. What subject would you like to learn more about? I'd like to become a better welder. You can do some pretty cool stuff with metal. I have body and a little paint experience but my welding skills aren't very good.
5. Given the choice, would you sit in the front of a classroom or in the back? It really doesn't matter to me as long as I'm there. I normally keep on my toes a little more when I'm sitting up front.

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