Monday, May 02, 2005

I won! I ended up winning like 250 bucks off of $20.00 in Central City. That whole trip blew my theory out of the water because almost all of the people on the bus did well. I won 40 bucks on one slot, twenty on another and I won the rest at 3 card poker. I had never played that before so it was probably beginner's luck. I'll take it aaaaall daaaaaaay long, bebe! What a fun night!


Anonymous said...

You totally deserved to win!

Jimmy said...

aaaaaaaw! Thank you! :o) It just proves that even the sun shines on a dogs but some days. ;o)

There's an article on MSN today...

I saw a few of those when I was up there. I feel sorry for people like that. Can you say, "moderation"?