Friday, May 20, 2005

Friday Five - TGIF bebe!

1. How tall are you? 5 foot 9.5 inches

2. When is the last time you stood up for yourself? I pretty much do that on a daily basis whether I mean to or not. It's in my gene pool.

3. Are you scared of heights? I get vertigo in extreme cases but for the most part I've gotten over my fear of heights within the last few years. I used to hate to fly. Now it's old-hat.

4. Tell us a tall tale: I love winter but I hate summer. Being cold rocks! All the cool kids are doing it.

5. Wookie-hookie: Did you see the new Star Wars movie? I had the opportunity but I haven't seen the last 3 movies. I mean, I like them...just not to the point where my life revolves around them.

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