...is about ready to explode. I've been sucking in as much information as I can about this LA project in the past few days. There's just so much to learn and so little time. It's kind of hard to become a subject matter expert in a week but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it once I get down there and get "my hands dirty". Just knowing I'm walking into a volatile situation to begin with is pretty intimidating but there's at least one mitigating factor: the two guys I will be traveling with are also pretty sharp so they (the powers that be) definitely put the right team together for this task.
My motto for next week: If I can't baffle them with my brilliance, I'll dazzle them with my bullshit.
In other news...I got a text from my ex-girlfriend yesterday. Here's the way it went...
ex-girlfriend: Hi, how have you been?
me (1+ hour later): Good! Thanks.
ex-girlfriend (immediate response): Anything new?
ex-girlfriend (1+ hour later): Anything new?
ex-girlfriend (2 hours later): Anything new?
Completely knowing where she was going with this question, I decided to burst her bubble. See the way she operates? She didn't know that her friends have kept in contact with me and that I knew as much as I did. This is the kind of thing I dealt with in the relationship and I'll be damned if I'm going to put up with it when we're not. Drama free, bebe! Thank God!
me: Jennifer, I've known for quite some time that you are pregnant and now you're married. Good luck to you. Is there something else you needed from me?
ex-girlfriend (immediate response): For 1 I am pregnant not married and I never said I needed anything from you. just wanted to see how your doing.
me (1+ hour later): Oh, good! Thanks.
OK...today I get a flurry of text messages and emails and I have yet to respond to any of them. She cracks me up. I mean, I deleted her number like months ago and I knew the only way I was going to ever see her again was at her Dad's bar (they have great Mexican food). Moreover, she's packin' a pup and if she's not married, she will be soon...shotgun style of course. So what's the point of contacting me? Why would she even have my number?