Friday, June 10, 2005

aaaaaaaaaaaah! Apple guy again!

OK. Let's vote, shall we? What is Jimmy going to do (keeping in mind that this has been going on for the past few days)?

#1. Put my headphones on and ignore it.
#2. Toss my notebook over the cube at him.
#3. Take a belt of this Mountain Dew and burp really loud.
#4. Leave an anonymous note telling him that he's getting on my nerves when he eats.
#5. Unplug his network cable so he has to go to IT and eat his apple in front of those guys. I know he's not smart enough to debug that problem.
#6. Walk over to his cube and politely ask him to not be so loud when he eats.
#7. Walk over to his cube, grab the apple from him and walk back to my cube and start eating it like he does.

The answer will be in the post on Monday.


LisaGail said...

Get your own apple and obnoxiously eat it with him.

Jimmy said...

I actually did a combination of #5 and #6...but not by choice. My masta-plan backfired on me. I was dead set on #5 but the guy just sat on the phone with IT for like 15 minutes. Basically, I had to listen to the incessant apple sucking\crunching sound and so did the poor IT guy.

I got up, plugged in his network cable and asked him if he would cut up his apple. My VP of R&D came over and thanked me for being such a good team leader.