Thursday, June 16, 2005

I was talking to a friend today and her kid decided that their fish were hungry last night. The fish apparently had already been fed but her kid still insisted on getting up in the middle of the night to feed them. This morning, when my friend woke up, she found that the bottle of fish food was empty, the tank was completely dirty and a few of her swimmers were now floaters.

That story reminds me of when I cleaned out the fish tanks at daycare (was my first job and I worked there for almost 6 years) while the kids were napping. The tanks were really dirty and algae lined the inside of the tank and the rocks. Well, I thought, what better product to use than bleach to kill the algae in the tank and give the little �fishies� a nice clean tank in which to swim. Now, I'm not a complete idiot...I know that bleach isn't good for fish so I rinsed the tank and the rocks VERY well, put the fish back into the tanks and went to lunch. I came back to 2 floors of hysterical kids. Of course most of my kids (the older kids) thought it was funny.
Posted by Hello

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