Monday, June 13, 2005

Weekend Festivities
Ok...ever have one of those nights where you think you're going out for one or two and you end up finally crawling into your bed at 10AM? I swear, my friends are like fooosball...they're the devil! I'll make this short and sweet. We went to Lodo's in HR and ran into some girls I knew. My friend did a mat-shot at the end of the night. Those of you that don't know what this is, brace yourself. It's when the bartender pours the night's contents of the bar mat into a shot glass. Disgusting as it is, you have to give it up to him because we drank there until about 2:30. Above mentioned girls drove us (we were in no shape to drive) to PTs. Sober up??? naaaaah! There was beer and Jager in the truck still. I won't get into what went on in PTs. I mean, I didn't really even see it...I was too busy drinking milk and reading the bible like the good Catholic boy I am. Close that down at 4 AM. End up somewhere out in BFE Aurora getting yelled at by some chump that thinks I had relations with his g/f. Please refer to "good Catholic boy" part above. Calmed said chump down. Got a ride from one of the other girls. Get back to friend's truck at 8AM. Go to to bathroom to purge after thinking about said (chunky) mat-shot. Pick up other car. Pick up my truck. Drive home...sun is waaaaay too bright. Crawl into bed at 10AM. Get zero accomplished that day (it was raining anyway).

1 comment:

Jimmy said...

I seriously was only going out for one or two. What can I say? I can resist anything but temptation. :o) My liver needs a rest though.

I'm with you though...I had only seen it once or twice. My friend is an ex-marine and now works as a corrections officer. He's pretty hard-core. It was funny at the time (and they hooked us up with booze)…not so funny thinking about it the next morning.