Wednesday, July 13, 2005


What a busy day! I've been running in and out of meetings all day and I feel like I haven't accomplished anything.

I went over to my parent's house last night for dinner and they hooked me up with stuff from Florida. They got me this crab that holds a wine bottle and it cracked me up. That crab looks so real. I guess you have to see it but I dig it.

Oh yeah...I've never been stung by a wasp before last night but I highly recommend against it...twice on the same hand last night. The lil' bitches totally dive bomb you too and there's not much you can do but get out of the way. I want to get one of those electrified tennis racket looking things and have some fun with them. That shit hurt...but BRING IT! I'll be back. I'm not number one in the food chain for nuttin'.

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