Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Days of our Lives

OK, so I get this call last night from...well..."a friend". Said friend tells me that my ex-girlfriend is now over 5 weeks prego. I don't know why but it was received with mixed emotions. On the one hand, I was relieved that this pup was not mine and that I was not in that particular situation with her solely because I knew she was a far cry from my "the one", but on the other, it stung a little knowing that she had moved on so quickly. Either way, it sounds like an episode of Springer and I'm elated that I'm away from the drama that is Jennifer. If I had any sort of hang-ups coming out of that relationship and needed additional closure, that was it. Thanks "friend". Onward...upward. Tally-hoe!

1 comment:

Jimmy said...

haha! There's nuttin' wrong with that. It’s absolutely fitting in this situation too. In addition, the guy she’s with has no clue what he signed up for. Not my problem no mo’! Somebody up there is lookin’ out for me. ;o)