Friday, July 08, 2005

Ooooh yeah! The Friday Five!

Ching! Ching! Money Train Comin' through!

1. How much money is in your wallet right now?
63 bucks...and a duck.

2. How much money would you need in the bank to feel secure? Rich?
A lot more than I do right now. #4 would help so if anyone feels the need, you can donate to my cause. I'm trying to become a chairity so you can write it off at the end of the year.

3. If someone gave you $100, no strings attached, what would you do with it?
Hey! That's two weeks worth of gas!

4. If someone gave you $1 Million, no strings attached, what would you do with it?
Start my own company and\or invest in rentals. Aaaaw, who are we kiddin'...I'd go to Vegas and throw it all down on black. ;o)

5. How much does something have to cost before it starts counting as "real" money, as a purchase to be considered and evaluated, but below which you'll buy without really thinking about it?
Hmmm...that's a tough one.

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