Friday Five
1. What was your first job?
2. How much did you make?
Started out at 4.25. By the time I left, I think I was making 6.25 or something crazy.
3. Describe your least favorite co-worker of all time.
Hmmm...I think I'll refrain. All I can say is "what goes around, comes around, bitch!". I better stop before I have to break out my pimphand.
4. What is your dream job?
Lotto-winner-extraordinaire. ;o) I'd want to own my own company and I've often thought about opening up a bar as well.
5. What do you currently do and do you like it?
I'm an engineer at a software company. I like it...I like it aaaaa looooot.
First rule of Pimpin'...we don't talk about Pimpin'. Second rule of Pimpin'... ;o)
I've always wanted to open a club in New Orleans, wanna move down there with me?
I can resist anything but temptation...especially that town. When do we leave?
I have a free round-trip for two that you boys can use. :-)
can i be a bartender in your bar? that would be an awesome job!
heather: Sold! I love that town!
manda: Sure! We don't have a name yet but we're now taking interviews. ;o)
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